Wednesday, July 29, 2009

loaded up and on our way!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Calen...So Sorry I missed your call! It makes me so happy to hear that you guys are in good spirits...Anna, Conner and I had a merry romp at Anna's parent's house last weekend. We missed you so much. I can't wait until the four of us reunite.. it's gonna b schwilly!
    You would be so proud of me, I have mastered the art of collaspable homes. I built a 24' in diameter tent that collapses onto my roof in two steel poles, six 4x4's, some rebar and a parachute. It takes about an hour to build and even less to tear down. Burning Man here I come! Anna is camping with me, and we are currently trying to convince Conner (also known as kidnapping him last minute). If the 3 of us hit BM this year in a collapsable tent things are gonna get ridiculous! SO EXCITED! The only thing missing is u. Have a great ride on the East Coast, and let me know more about which states you'll be passing through and where to send the seeds for this whole planting for peace deal. Thanks again, and I will owe you big if you spread my seeds!
